We are waking up. As a culture, we are becoming more conscious about what we put in to our bodies; GMO labeling, organic foods, buying local, reading ingredients. We've educated ourselves about how our food is being processed and are understanding the rebounding health effects.
Most of us know our skin is our largest organ, but we may not be conscious of the toxicity in the cottons we wrap ourselves in. Cotton farming in India consumes 44.5% of the world's pesticides. Cotton is also a very thirsty crop, requiring excessive resources to grow. The process of making cotton, which is a naturally prickly fibre, into the smooth textiles you buy, requires MORE toxic chemical treatment processes.
So we turn back to Mother Nature for more sustainable answers - Bamboo!
So what are you going to do with this information? Consider how your buying power this Holiday season can effect the environment around you and put your money towards a green (and blue) future!